Check out our photo gallery from the Traditional Hereford classes at the Royal Welsh Spring Festival! Judge Clive Davies from Cleobury Mortimer, Herefordshire, kindly gives us his roundup of the day:
It was a great pleasure and honour to be asked to judge the cattle section at the 2022 Royal Welsh Spring Festival, including classes for Traditional Herefords. The animals forward were sound and functional. The bull class presented two bulls that were competitive; the two-year-old leading the class for although appearing in working condition he carried more depth of muscling. He had length and deep colour and can spread his influence. The second-placed bull was a three-year-old and demonstrated character and carriage with long body length and together with his clean lines, he gave the impression of possessing qualities that could be transferred particularly to rears of successful daughters.
The senior heifer class was led by a striking in-calf heifer being a winner all the way. She had length, conformation and balance. Beautifully presented and with clean lines, she carried attributes to move the breed onward. The yearling heifer class was headed by a very promising youngster. Her presence, strength of topline and hind leg setting were spot on, surely she has a future to watch. The calf class contained two promising bull calves. Both had strong character and colour but the leader possessed a little more muscle development, fleshing and shape. Again, he is one to watch out for.
The Championship was awarded to the senior heifer winner without hesitation and the runner-up, the junior heifer whose further development will interest many. My grateful thanks to all exhibitors and their teams, this was a very enjoyable occasion where the Hereford flag was positively flown.

Date 21st May 2022
Judge Mr Clive Davies
Bull, over 12 months of age 1st Carpenters Morgan, Mrs H MacLeod; 2nd Caebach Sydney, N & R Johnson
Cow or heifer, in calf or with calf at foot 1st Albany Laramie, FW Cook & Son
Maiden heifer, over 12 months of age 1st Caebach Unity Amorous, N & R Johnson; 2nd Albany Lumen, FW Cook & Son; 3rd Albany Limoncello, FW Cook & Son
Calf, either sex, under 12 months of age 1st Carpenters Daniel, Mrs H MacLeod; 2nd Carpenters Brigadier, Mrs H MacLeod
Pair of animals, bred by exhibitor 1st Caebach, N & R Johnson; 2nd Albany, FW Cook & Son